Library Services

Regular Library Services:

 1.  Borrowing Facility: A user is allowed to issue Books for period of Three days.

 2.  Renewal Facility: A user is allowed to renew issued Books up to 3 times unless it has been reserved by another member. A reserved item is subject to recall once it has been on loan for three days i.e. it will not be re-issued to the current reader.

3.  Claims Facility: Resources currently on loan to another user can be reserved by placing a claim. A reserved item is subject to recall once it has been on loan for 3 days.

4.  CAS (Current Awareness Services): A list of additions to the Library collection is displayed on the Library notice board. 

5. Knowledge Nuggets: It is a special segment featuring core subject related articles.

Value- Added Library Services:

1.   Organising Library orientation to new batch Student for better understanding of library system and services.

2.   Index Pages of the Journals are sent to library users through email.

3.   On demand soft copy of Syllabus, Question Papers etc. provided to the Student-Teachers & Faculty Members through email.

4.   Individual attention and help to the users to locate their required reading material.

5.   Circulation and overdue notification messages sends to users via email.

6.   Conduct Book Exhibitions at the library.

7.   Organise Book Review activity.

Membership Form

Library Membership Form

Requisition Form 

Library Requisition Form